Friday 9 September 2011

Lady Gaga on purity

..I had a good laugh. All is an illusion? Sure it is. But I am also sure someone on drugs, who has ALWAYS played along the lines of "pretty preppy girl in a stripshow" (with some modulations), really DOES KNOW what is pure, and real, isnt it? I just see deformed, social roles being mirrored- and as long as everyone thinks that IS indeed necessary to become famous, things wont ever change. Dont you tell me anything about the SOUL..your art doesnt exactly focus on the soul, it focusses on the FAKE.

And drugs are always a running away from something. unless used for ritual purposes- but that implies someone who is actually in control of what he or she is doing.

From my experience, it does not require drugs to enter higher states of consciousness. Don Juan Matus was right in this. And what do you even HAVE when you leave this reality, as it is SO UNREAL?

We are born into this. It being an illusion is not an excuse to act like an ape..which, funny enough, most rich people telling me just that use as an excuse for being money-, and power-greedy. Like: "its an illusion anyways, so we can do WHATEVER we like, isnt it?". I've heard this sentence before..from Werner Rydl..who also thinks it is fantastic to hurt, cheat, deform others for the money-making, or gaining power. Mind me, he also HAS a nice side to him, and I am sure, my dear Lady G, you are an indigo just like me..just younger. And having seen less.

So, my dear girl..if u REALLY want to transcend your medium, and REALLY change things ON THIS PLANE (since ure doing it all for the fans..well I am not a fan..)- why dont you become real. Ahh...I forgot: Reality is a fake. :)