Monday, 26 March 2012
some more memories
..I went to Utrecht summer school in 2009, on a course in conflict management and mediation skills..we received an initial feedback after having introduced ourselves, and a feedback at the end of the course (when people already knew each other a little bit). I had a good laugh..this was the initial judgement (mind me, the two rather critical statements were from two Turkish upper class girls, a Rotary and a Lions club family..which has to be taken into account from a cultural perspective^^..)
my card: The angel of depth (we all got a card by the teachers, in the end, symbolizing our personality..)-
on the card it said: ->„One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.“ C.G. Jung
Feedback: Positive:
Elizabeth, I think you have a strong opinion, which I liked. Marise
Elizabeth, Looks somehow straightforward. Lina
Elizabeth, interested in subjects. Irem
Elisabeth seems a funny girls. I can know that she loves to talk. Basak
Elizabeth, I had the idea that you get carried away by your own thoughts easily. Marise
Don’t look too much after others. Irem
She talked a lot of time. Basak...:D..
Conclusio: I am (too) dominant, talk (too) much (No, actually I was ill, tired and stressed out so I lost the thread and babbled along..), and I think (too) much, and too big (true, at times).
The later feedback was overwhelmingly positive..^^ then they had found out I DO CARE a lot about others, I had publicly completed a box of accessories for a friends shop: see my old accessoires blog- and had given a lot of "advice" (aka listening to others)..ah, and I had publicly opposed the teachers..^^..:D..which was all taken pretty well by the other students (and the teachers, eventually..which was a surprise..). *rofl*..
Even though I was told to smile more and be more emotional (Well- I was ill throughout with the flu..not really the best time for smiles..:)..but I kept the final feedback sheet for very was SO NICE..^^..but too long to be replicated here. I kept the initial feedback, because the "dont look too much after others" really bothered me- as it is totally wrong.
The above photo is the last gilt Winterling porcelaine plate that I kept from my late grandaunt's (a tailors) posessions which she left after her death..I use it, barbarically, for eating..^^..and I will be (barbarically) using some of Hedwig von Dombrovski's (another story I will have to tell sometime), my grand grand aunt's handkerchiefs to make a brooch for the dress that will be burnt at the end of the "Oh, Joan"-video. :)...I like the thought of leaving nothing behind..nothing of my past, that is.
So I am very grateful of now having the time to write it all out here, so that I can let it all go and be a blank sheet of paper, soon.