Monday, 21 May 2012

I totally agree with some of the comments, if not all of them. IS hard, reaching a definite position in this is simple to say "ure doing the wrong thing" in very many other cases. Because it simply feels and looks wrong..I personally think it is wrong. Yet I know society as fucked up as it is in the status quo needs some kind of warped outlet, e.g. porn or the like. She wanted the money, she fulfilled the need.

In the future, hopefully, it wont even BE a career choice. Would she have been offered the same money and attention as an independent film maker, she most likely wouldn't have gotten into porn in the first place. Topic finished and thought through.

p.s.: spiritually, there is yeat another facet to this. But I wont comment on that..when you go deeper, there is always a deep reason for stuff like this. The problem is: it doesnt make things better in the material world, and, misunderstood, could be used to promote porn in a sense. I definitely won't do that. :) As it will eventually vanish..with some time to go.