Sunday, 10 June 2012

Research Topics right now.. I update my quotes, knowledge and contacts databases/lists.

Two Spirits (Native American Indian "Transgender" people) and Maria Montessori (founder of the Montessori paedagogical method- another virgo). Those topics were on an old list from 9 years ago (possibly older), but they continue to fascinate me. Education- and ways to dig deeper.

As much as I have no, or very little, interest in erotic homosexual relationships myself (I was part of a group of (almost exclusively Lesbian) chambermaids in 2000 though, and helped a friend, Sandra, with her coming out back then..which involved a trip to an all women's stripclub in Dean Street- where I met an old friend and got hit on by her..her name was Renee- calling herself "Medusa"..deep into witchcraft back then, and a bisexual- extremely strong, erotic woman), I am interested in androgyny. Everything cross-sex, or mixed-sex or transgender, transsexual, homosexual, heterosexual, omnisexual or whatever interests me, as far as the boundaries of male/female become blurred. The soul is void of shape, and going deeper into the depths, sex becomes irrelevant..and everything becomes possible. Good sex is sex that involves the soul- and the soul cares little for outward shapes..therefore, the question of "tolerance" becomes irrelevant.

I might do a Janus/Jana album later on, at some point. Though others might do that I say, naked girls dancing did not really turn me on. I prefer guys. :)