Monday 5 June 2017

Diets and flares and genomes.

Now.. within the past few weeks we have found out that having overly flexible Skin and Joints is a disease (EDS). That and maybe being a Little Aspergers (my Version: premature intellectual development, being very direct (not so much anymore), and hesitant to adhere to some hurtful and plain stupid social rules, like not taking part in gossiping and idiocy when exspected) is a disability.

Which makes me freakier any day. It's like your whole world turns around at short notice. We know know I have MCAS, possibly EDS, and possibly POTS. Fancy. Possibly Fibromyalgia, but to be honest the Symptoms overlap with MCAS so.. not sure on that one.

The ONLY (yes, only, Austria IS actually that backwards in this Domain as well) place for medical genetics here is luckily run by a German. Who was the first one that listened to me and told me how to REDUCE costs when looking into genetic mutations that might cause all of the above. None of the Austrian doctors would do this.. and they all know I am on benefits.

I am not fully into the subject matter as yet, which is hard to do because it is complex and I have had brain fog for a LONG time now.. but I will start collecting as much evidence as I can and do a specialized test then.

So far we have DAO and Tryptasis being abnormal, bones and Organs so far are ok (at least as much as Scans are concerned), a Gastritis, the EDS is being looked into, I have bad liver values on and off, I lacked a lot of Vitamins which were taking care of (NOT a result of bad Nutrition, but most likely a result of malabsorption and leaky gut)- Tests for leaky gut and genes are to follow.

I will have extra costs of around 500 Euros just for that.. specialized nutritionists who will take you through a comprehensive process for 3 months plus will cost an additional 1.600 or more.. that is the US or AU Version of Things. And to be recommended because it IS a very complex process.

And in my case it would be recommended, since we want to rule out all Problem factors for the future.

I had another "making my peace with the world" Moment yesterday. It IS weird. I tried to rule out what causes it but I cant.

It must have something to do with the applejuice. I have a juicer, and once I start making freshly squeezed apple juice I want more. I do not think it is the freshly squeezed juice, I think it is the industrial one, because I bought apple juice in bulk with a voucher last month. A famous brand, it LOOKS like there is nothing in it but apple juice, but I feel so sick afterwards it is not good.

Maybe it is the fruit sugar, too (or the Tulsi-Moringa-Barley Grass mixture I add to the fresh apple juice sometimes..even though all three are supposed to be anti-histaminic) . We have ruled out fruit sugar allergy via the usual blood Tests BUT a breath test is said to be better  and more conclusive.

In any case I get so weak at times now I just curl up in bed and feel like I am going to die. It isnt painful.. and much of it is like in deep Meditation. But it just FEELS like life leaves my Body and I exspect my breath to stop anytime. It just feels wrong and I cannot describe it.

Someone quite reknowned in Paleo Nutrition has offered his help on LinkedIn, but I dont like his energy. Also, ketogenic would be much better according to a lot of sources, but it is questionable whether I can do it or not in my shape. I HAVE dropped one clothes size since I started taking Daosin and watch out for histamine high Foods, but I am still about 10 Kilos overweight and I HATE not being fit anymore.. and too tired to do anything.

Fitness is on top of my list for the next 2 weeks. As soon as I have taught myself to drill holes and fix my lamps and hooks this Comes next. I just cant live in a chaotic Environment, and I am too poor to have an electrician come in and do Things for me. That and the Ikea kitchen Needs to be assembled. Sigh.