Now that I move, and had to deep cleanse the flat, I also moved my bed.
The fruit press is standing next to the wall I used to sleep next to. And just for documentation, and to show to people how bad it is here.. I juiced some apples. Didn't have time to empty in the morning, left it til evening. When I opened it- GREEN and BLACK mold like I'd never seen it this way, re. this fast.
I have slept next to that.. THING.. for a year. No wonder my autoimmune didn't get better despite better rest, and I aged fast. I had the feeling there was mold right from the start. And the mold that is showing now is not in the corners.. it is behind the bed, coming from underneath the tapestry..
In any other civilised country, I could sue. Not so much here. (phots will follow once I have more time)
Now to the fun part. The emergency room I rented (not even mentioning they now ask for more than when I was shown it!), that is a whopping 6 sqm in a bad and loud district (not posting AS YET the criminal to insulting situations I came across on my search.. trust me, I will) HAS mold.
I discovered it- just like last time I rented with them. It will get sprayed, but we all know how useful that is. The flat has maybe 75 sqm, shared between 5 students and freelancers.
Shameful, greedy, and just outright disgusting. Life as a foreigner in Estonia.
Funny that an artist from Graz, who learned that I live here last year, instantly accused me of "exploiting Estonians"- well this WERE true if I WERE a greedy rich person coming here like so many others. Those people are usually tolerated well, but *shocker*, a person who comes here to found a company that will change the world by helping others grow is being fought on all fronts.
Let me be VERY clear on this. I have been abused and exploited on EVERY imaginable front since I came here, I never took any Estonian money. I always had clients from abroad (for many different reasons), and if I worked with Estonians it was for a tiny share of what one of theirs would get. (one exception: the brand voice recording I did for BLOCKER.FI)
And there is a huge amount of videos detailing racism in Estonia on YouTube, if you know where to look. Sexism isn't detailed as well- wait for it. I am DYING to tell my stories.
A while ago my precognition (like all my deep, spiritual gifts its usually used for others, not me) had a vision for me. I was told "Once you leave Estonia, you'll leave only ashes behind".
I am currently, after an assortment of Top10-20 podcasts that haven't aired yet, in discussions to feature/co-host an episode a Top10 Global Leadership podcast. The host instantly said (he is from the country I see as my destination/destiny): "why don't you come here?" Not like I hadn't pondered that country in specific.
But most first-world countries require at least 2 k USD a month in income for a nomad visa.
DUDE.. I'd relocate in a heartbeat.
p.s.: as for the ad: I really don't like my voice!! I know men find it sexy, but I am so not comfortable with it! Maybe if it were healthy, and I wouldn't have breathing issues it would feel and sound better to me. :/