I have to rethink my newest budding friendship that I assumed wouldnt make it.
The conversation is going much better now.
That is wonderful, and a few new contacts on the horizon too.
My last few weeks were hell in big, fat bold letters. After 1.5 years of staying away from the startup scene here, and a break from it's toxicity, I had to occasionally visit incubators and coworking spaces again for my business tours.
My business tour was in 2019, and is now in 2021, the highest ranked Airbnb experience in Tallinn. For good reasons. It caters to a niche, provides the emotions most Estonians are completely devoid of, and provides major value (if needed).
Just that makes me a target for some of the toxic Estonian blondes in the scene. I havent missed them.
So there were some super nasty experiences and then I caught fleas. (yes I own a protection suit;)
Scratched myself to death almost, cleaned like a maniac- and then I discovered mold in my flat on top of that. The old had been there a while, I knew it the moment I moved in- but I hadn't seen evidence of it within the last year.
My landlord used this as a reason not to prolong my contract (that is running ut mid October) and I had to look for an alternative within 2 weeks. He wants to renovate all by himself, and I DOUBT he will get rid of the fleas.
So I went back to the place renting the overpriced student rooms. They lied to me about the amount of the deposit, and even though a friend borrowed me 200, I still have 100 Euros too little.
And it's questionable when and if the landlord- who has to renovate the flat by law- will return my deposit.
So I was scratching myself bloody, had a major autoimmune flare as a result, my blood and brain felt like on fire, and I was threatened by homelessness. (Tour bookings were going down too, and I had to look for side income and couldnt find any either..)
With, once again, noone but A. (Whose life I had completely transformed in 2019) helping me. Without him, I would be dead now.
First person in 24 years of helping other people who made sure he stayed in my life, and now helps me when I need it.
So in a week I move into a shitty overpriced 6 sqm room. I will miss my small flat.
UPDATE: the landlord transferred the deposit, and I am now at least able to move house in peace. Still no job or side income. People keep on telling me I need to push my tours, but I am doubtful this is so useful in winter. Well- maybe the xmas season.
Also, after spraying and cleaning like mad for almost 2 weeks, the flat is now virtually flea-free.
AS FOR THOSE who believe fleas have to do with dirt: Nope. I have pics hoe my flat looked throughout the year. Spotless. Also- fleas usually don't feed on humans- they come from cats or dogs.
And I have 3 theories on how I got them:
- I was hanging out with a bunch of rotten, drunk business tourists at a burger place in Telliskivi. The only sofa free was a textile sofa I guarantee you 100 dogs had sat on (Estonia is very dog-friendly). I had resisted sitting down on it by instinct, but eventually sat there with them for two hours.
- The drunken Russian neighbours dog. He banged on the door, I was half asleep and opened, and his dog ran into my flat. Half of my floor has dogs, and I don't need to see that neighbours place- it was enough the police was there a few times because of him, he drinks heavily, and is often violent. I could smell the smoke coming from his flat often through the window, and the pipes next to my bed connecting to his place. I threw him and the dog out, but it could have been from that dog.
- A pillow I bought for my intern who wanted to sleep over a few days. I bought a huge feather pillow from a charity shop- and didn't boil it like the other items. The pillow could have had fleas. I kind of didn't want to buy it instinctively, but couldn't find a bigger one.
Something more fun: Me and Arsenijs (if he wants to, has time and isn't ill again) are going to be featured on Authority Magazine end of the month with our Flashmob project. If he can't come, I will do it myself.
Usually, they interview one person at a time, but- since this is a community effort- I want him on the picture with me. Let's see how it goes.