Sunday, 7 November 2021

Old souls.

I have a young flatmate who is just like I was when younger. Actually- all of my current flatmates are pretty evolved spiritually- even the Estonian guy is ok (I finally forced myself to talk to him). No matter their ages- we have 21-39 here. And most of them are overburdened, underpaid and likely ENFJs. 

But she is.. quite.. the gift. She helped me cut my hair today (she has experience with it- her dad asked her to help sometime)- something I had asked an intern to do, and she wouldn't. The intern then sent me an angry email with what she would not be ready to do for me, including a list of things that were really necessary for our project. But ok. 

Well- You can have the greatest talent, but if you're not willing to clean the toilet, so to speak, I am not having any respect for you. Shit needs to get done, quite literally- and noone has time for antics. I provide gloves for everything- so, really.. but. Well. 


We had a lovely conversation about the light, dimension, reincarnation and good whilst she was cutting my hair. And she did cut it all-not just the back. SERIOUSLY- this is just like Gabi, and all of the best women I have met so far. 

I still have ONE friend in Austria, from my hometown, Graz. She dated my cousin when I met her. I was a busy business student, always impeccable style-wise, socially and artistically engaged, and on a tight schedule. And I don't remember what we talked about, and why we originally met- but it probably had to do with my cousin (?) when we hooked up in that cafe close to university in 2009 or 2008. 

She was a bit like me (in the core), and a perfect queen recognises another. I gifted her my Boss saddle bag (a special edition) when I left Austria. She was literally the only person I knew of who 1. would really cherish style, and 2. be worthy of it. I wished back then that I could give her more than this. She was just so exquisite and perfect. 

The woman is a goddess- back then she only had one fault: smoking. So basically perfect to a fault- because smoking, just like body weight, or any other crap, can be fixed easily.  

She still is- and that is why she is unlucky in love. The good side is that I now know it wasn't me. And that it isn't her either. 

I wish I could change the world for my flatmate, Gabi, and all those great women who DESERVE real men. If only they were to be found in greater quantities. 

The same thing with old souls.. GenZ has more of them, because the system is dying, and tries to survive. So it produces more and more batches of say Elon Musk types each generation. I doubt though we will survive though as a race. I know and I see too much already. The general idiocy is overwhelming. 

We would need a total reprogramming towards maybe matriarchy, possibly equality, and towards real community.