Thursday, 30 December 2021

Estonians and other monsters

 As a foreigner I am really unhappy that I always get the smallest piece of cake at a cafe in Magistral, they want to send me home even though I am a regular when I forget my mobile just once (some other days they didn't even ask for my certificate because everyone in my favorite cafe already knows me).

Too bad I had my laptop with me- with a certificate on it. After all, I never spend money carelessly just for fun, I always tie it in with some work at least.

I go to this cafe regularly with interns, since we are all remote and don't have an office apart from my home office. And I am pissed off by this country and all the shit and generic disrespect for humans in it. 

Spent some of my night talking to the night guard at Prisma 24/7 in Old Town, a young guy who has bad depression and wants to study IT (the classic). 

(He picked me up after I had been set up by Mr. LeCocq at Depeche Mode Baar. Utterly drunk after just one drink (it is more likely my histamine-autoimmune issue than the alcohol, I presume), with no battery, I ended up in the cold after midnight. Completely unaware- because I rarely go out- when busses stop going. It could have ended badly- but I was protected. So I eventually found a plug in Prisma and was allowed to charge my phone there, whilst I had a very pleasant discussion with the young dude, diving into his symptoms.. exciting! After half an hour (and 1,5 hours overall in the cold) I was sober again.)

And it seems only the Estonians who are already sick (or the rare ultra positive ones) dare to talk about the shit that is wrong with this country. And it is A LOT. 

From the corruption that got so bad it was an open topic during the last city council elections.. to the racism and sexual harassment (the first not as yet a real topic, the last at least a topic in popular movies like Uekssarvik).. it disgusts me.

Repulsed by all the dirt I had recently seen, I remembered my roots and remembered what forces I can draw on due to soul age, karma and genetics. 

Fuck you- royalty is royalty and will always BE royalty. This is a VERY clear warning. 

Mind me- I am a neutral good/good is not nice trope. I dispose of shit like Batman does: I don't want or enjoy torture, I just throw trash in the trash quickly and efficiently. 

You see, dear readers- sooner or later all those assholes get what they deserve. And if you are that dumb to cross MY LIFE, you will not get away with shit you have done- either way. 

This is a promise.