One thing I was very proud of: Finally managed to go to Depeche Mode Baar in Old Town. (29.12.2021, proof attached)
They only had alcohol on their menu- and I had "The Perfect Kiss". Too much alcohol for someone who doesn't drink, normally.
But I watched A LOT of music videos that evening, and broadened my mind a little. Apart from the off-putting s/m influences (doesn't matter if the woman or the man is on top- power play in romance is the death of love), some videos were very creative- and I discovered a few very deep, romantic, well-written ballads I didn't know before.
Like this one.
Yes- this might come as a surprise considering I am a music lover, yet to be honest..
Depeche Mode I want to listen to when I feel existential, or am looking for videos with men in leather pants online (men in black leather pants are great, just from a fashion and haptic aspect).
And a fun thing that evening: I don't save Mr. LeCocq's number anymore, so I, slightly drunk, sent some messages to the wrong number. The poor Estonian (or other) person who received that. It included an sms about how sexy men in black leather gear are. Oh my- I laughed. It was GLORIOUS. ;)
@Leather gear: Not the s/m type of great with studs necessarily.. but I have always liked: cashmere turtlenecks, suede leather (all colours), and sleek. black leather pants. My first boyfriend, a maths genius (multi-dimensional spaces) and early inventor in the IT/Telecomms space, preferred suede, leather and turtlenecks. Fit my style when younger.
Used to have a lot of leather pants and skirts as well when more slim. Sigh.. Good Times (at least fashion-wise)!