Monday, 18 June 2012


Seriously, I am not the conspiracy theory type of person..though I hang out with all kinds of people having all kinds of thoughts and exspectations of what the future is going to look like.

I researched on an old connaissance who is one of the top guys at Brahma Kumaris- and got the answer on why- even though she has an exciting past- she showed the same "symptoms" of brainwashing as some Jehovah's witness and Seventh day adventists and other sect followers I encountered on my travels..

scary. seriously. Yes- there will be a purification of this world, and I am medial also. But, from my point of view, "mother" earth gives very little about any weak man-made attempt to rule..and there might be catastrophies (they are already happening)- but hopefully those madmen with their absolutely perverted, destructive pseudo-elitism will be the first ones to be wiped out.

There will be, and has to be change. But every religion, sect or group of people (the much-quoted Freemasons, for example) that imagines the world to be violently destroyed, with only their followers to be left chance or by neither human, nor sane. A world ruled by self-declared "super-humans" or an "elite" sounds much like Frankenstein to me. Who, after all, defines the elite?

I have had contact with Freemasons. Some of them smell of strange secrecy (then you can feel/guess they're into some kind of bullshit)- some of them are ok. Unfortunately, wealth seems to specifically attract psychopaths. Those might come in the shape of Brahma Kumaris, Freemason, Rotarians, Lions, even the bloody Boy Scouts. Pretty much anything. Group-forming knows the psychopath version as well..with or without money.

Money shapes people, too- it very often shapes them into brutes..since the path to achieving wealth is often lined with destructive thinking and mindsets and methods. The good and rich people I know are few, but there ARE some (especially among the younger generation). So lets hope the above ("free running brutes" in the Hannibal Lecter sense *gg) will die out at some point. It IS scary..and I wish for a world without labels- for my kids to come.

Hopefully, I can add something to it.