Sunday, 17 October 2021

New positive occurrences.

 When the dude with the Top 10% leadership podcast wanted to interview ME, I was like.. why?!!?

I thought I had something to say about being a young leader 12 years ago, but these days.. I don't think so.

But we will see. I have just spent another two days cleaning like crazy, and unpacking in the new place.

It is not as bad as I first thought- the rent is cheaper, flatmates are super nice, and there are good shops for food and cheap stuff around. AND- a mural! ;) I had asked the cosm to find me one I didn't already know in my area- and its 2 mns. from where I live.

We need it for a photoshoot. So I don't have to run around in the archetype suits in public, and we won't get stares or the like. It's my least favourite part of the job.

PR, for me, mostly serves to promote my project. It is NOT a deep desire of mine to expose/present myself, just like running around in those costumes isn't a fetish, or a hobby, or anything I especially enjoy doing. It is a JOB, and it serves a PURPOSE. Nothing more.

Yes, high level PR placements CAN be gratifying, but it satisfies my hunter instinct more than a notion of being in the "spotlight". It proves to me- again and again- that I am an excellent pitcher with something to say. Even more of an achievement given I am not a Native English speaker. 

I was recently invited to a few more Top podcasts, so stay tuned. :)